Laser 50W 500×300 China. Updated 80-100 Watt tube
Before I start I want to give Russ S. (look for him on youtube) a great big Thanks for all the great information he has shared.
I have almost completed my upgrade to my machine. it started it life as a China 50w machine. (tube was most likely a 40/45 watt tube?) When I took ownership of the machine it was used. So I have no way of knowing the factory state of the tube. What I do know its was damaged and I was able to repair it. (See previous post). I have since retro fitted a Lightobject 45W new tube it was 60mm x 1000mm (bigger the n the tube that came with the unit.) And have again since retrofitted a 80/100 w tube 80mm x 1250mm. I upgraded to all copper mirrors (1″x.25″). as well as an appropriate 100w PSU.
Also, I have (in progress) upgraded to a small DIY chiller. former ice maker.
(Below inspection / access plates) used to gain access to the mirrors.
Above Holes cut into the machine for easier access to the mirrors.
Partial / mid progress on polishing of 100% pure copper mirrors.
Below the Light object tube still installed. Seen with the Russ branded Laser pointer installed.
Below Trial testing of dual temp gages. Water temp flowing into and out of the tube.
Belwo Preliminary fitting of the tube. this is the 80/1oo pro tube.
Prelim fitting with Russ branded Tube mounts. I modified the hell out of them But thanks to Russ! for the foundation idea.
See old tube sitting on top!? crazy small eh?
Below See new Outrigger bracket to support longer tube.
I had to add the notch to allow for clearance on the new tube.
Cardboard template to aid in making the new cover/ shroud for the tube (pics will follow)
Below New PSU for the new 80/100 w Tube PSU is 120W model 30K
I took it apart to take pics and do an initial inspection before installing it.
I had to cobble together this temporary plug as the seller forgot to send me the plugs .
(more pics to follow)