Laser 50W 500×300 China.
New to me is this China so called 50 W laser and has a 500×300 foot print. used off craigslist.
Sitting on its new rolling stand
(Above) The Light Object LO-X7 DSP
(below) The Y axis limit switch. scheduled to be removed.
The new Limit switch in service. Ill get the model # But in a nut shell its a magnetic reed switch. Normally open. N.O.
This is the Y axis Minimum limit switch Mounted pretty much where the old switch was mounted. I used some Aluminum 1/2 u channel as a mounting plate.
Closer view of the mount.
This is the ad on plate for the Yaxis magnet plate. Some aluminum angle with a small magnet epoxy’d onto a 8×32 screw.
A view of the entire Y Axis Limit switch and adjuster.
X Axis Limit switch mounting.
a View from behind the X Axis adjuster screw.
X Axis Adjuster screw
Adjuster screw. a 8×32 screw with a magnet glued to the end.
My DSP mount. I replaced the inner liner with a new piece of 3/16 Black ABS. I still need to clean up the wiring.
My Chiller tank 4″ Clear PVC
Temporary switch array.
End cap removed in preparation for the new 1000mm Tube coming from Light object.
Lower shelf view with temporary DIY chiller
Inside the chiller.
DIY Laser beam alignment tool This is just a piece of aluminum I turned on my lathe. On one end fits snuggly into the end of the Co2 laser. Off ebay or similar I installed el-cheapo laser pointer down the middle and used 3 set screws to align it so its truly centered.I then drilled 3 holes so I could choose which ones the wires would pass thru. Works perfectly.
The red paint is to lock/hold the lens alignment of the laser pointer itself.
Below is as delivered still has the old controller installed. never been plugged in.
Below is my DIY chiller waiting to go into service! this is a prototype. once I see the pros/cons Ill adjust and re fabricate a new box / mount
Old DSP info
Old board DSP. still worked.
Below is the tube. it has some serious build up in the tube and need real attention.
I have begun the clean up of the inside of the tube. I flushed CLR thru it for 2 days straight. and wow did it get clean…
Apparently the corrosion was so bad the water inlets were hanging by a thread. and pretty much fell off in my hands after the cleaning. Fortunatly for me I was able to machine up some new ones and quickly epoxied them back into place. now all I have to do is hope they dont leak!
SUCESS!!!! No leaks works perfectly.
Great info. Thank you for sharing!