Precision Matthews PM 14x40E-LB Light Electronics updates mods
Having had several lathes and many failed lights I dont have much faith in the stock as delivered light the one located on the saddle. So as I often do. I am trying a completely new configuration.
A dentist light. All parts sourced on ebay, amazon and DIY
- Light arm
- Light (the actual light it self)
- 12v PS Amazon
- Bracket for entire assembly
After obtaining all the parts I quickly decided on a location for the light. Made a bracket of sorts. along with a backing plate and mounted the bracket to the back splash.
Assembled the light assembly. Dropped it into the socket. DONE..
The electronics are going to be pretty simple But I cannot complete them as of yet. I will be making a control panel for other things like speed control etc… this is where Ill add a master on/off for the light. But for now the on/ off is on the light itself.
The PS will get mounted somewhere on the back of the lathe.